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Resources - Books - Magazines - Links - Feedback Over five years ago, Knowledge Management Magazine provided a list of what it considered the 100 best books on knowledge management and related subject. Since then hundreds of more have been published, so picking ones that suit you best is challenging. Our selection below is based on our own reading and includes our preference for books that inform, make you think, offer guidance and generally help you put KM into effective practice. Books are ordered alphabetically by author in each category. Main List (this page)
Supplementary List
There are direct links to the selected books in association with Gold Star SelectionLearning To Fly: Practical lessons from one of the World's Leading Knowledge Companies, Chris Collison and Geoff Parcell, J Wiley / Capstone (2005). If you want practical advice then KM books don't get better than this. Based on their pioneering experiences at BP the authors go through in some detail the practices that made them KM leaders, including peer assist, After Action Reviews, connecting to expertise, communities of practice and capturing knowledge. This updated (and much larger) 2nd edition adds more tips, recent examples and conversational anecdotes, so that you feel as if you are sharing the authors' journey of experience. And indeed, they run a readers' email discussion list where you can share experiences and seek help with your KM problems. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Handbook on Knowledge Management, Clyde W. Holsapple (editor), Springer (2003) paperback edition (2004). This two volume set brings together in one place many original contributions from leading experts and practitioners. The subjects cover the full gamut of knowledge management including the nature of knowledge, knowledge as an organisational resource, knowledge processing, technologies and strategies. Whether your interest is the nature of knowledge work, organisational memory or complex adaptive systems, it is covered somewhere in these two volumes. Although the indexes are poor, the authoritative content makes this an indispensable reference for the serious practitioner. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Management: Classic and Contemporary Works, eds. Daryl Morey, Mark Maybury and Bhavani Thuraisingham, MIT Press (2000). As its name suggests, there are some classics, by writers such as Senge, Nonaka and Takeuchi, Kaplan and Norton. But most of the book is written by contemporary leading experts and practitioners, some well-known like Sveiby and Leonard, and others less well-known but highly informative, such as Barbara Lawton who provides an interesting case study. There are 18 chapters divided into three sections - Strategy, Process and Metrics. The book is worth buying for this last section alone. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. The Knowledge-Creating Company, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi, Oxford University Press (1995).
This is a landmark book in the field of knowledge management. In our 1997 research we found it the book most frequently cited by practicing managers. It offers a good blend of theory and practice. Concepts elaborated in the first time for a management audience include the
distinctions between tacit and explicit knowledge, knowledge conversion processes
(externalisation, socialisation processes etc.) and the knowledge creating spiral. Practical
examples include innovation at Matushita, Canon and Honda - didn't you always want to know
how bread maker engineers mastered the 'twisted stretch' by adopting requisite variety and
creative chaos? This is one of the seminal books on knowledge management and is well worth
revisiting time and time again. IntroductoryEffective Knowledge Management: A Best Practice Blueprint, Sultan Kermally, CBI (2002). One of the CBI Fast Track Blueprint series, this is an admirable introduction to the subject for general managers. Stripping away the jargon, Kermally gets to the essence of knowledge management covering all key aspects including knowledge transfer activities, culture, technology and measuring the benefits. The KM specialist will find it wanting, but nevertheless useful as a way of educating your senior managers without too much heartache. Buy this book at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Managing Knowledge Work, Sue Newell, Maxine Robertson, Harry Scarbrough, Jacky Swan, (2002). This book is clearly aimed at final year undergraduate and MBA students. As such it gives good coverage of KM concepts and frameworks and has an associated reader. Topics covered include the case for knowledge management, the nature of knowledge work, team working, communities of practice and innovation. Although primarily a student text it should not be ignored by practitioners, since there is thoughtful discusssion as well as case studies at the end of each chapter. Buy this book at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Knowledge Management, Melissie Clemmons Rumizen, Penguin Putnam (2001). As a successful KM practitioner at Buckman Laboratories, the author is well qualified to write this guide. She describes the subject in a straightforward, jargon free and humorous way. It covers all the basics such as "What's in a name?", "What is a Chief Knowledge Officer?" and "Why your CIO has grey hair". Lay people love this book, but the number of second hand ones for sale on Amazon suggest it's a one time read rather than a reference book. Nevertheless, it's a great introduction for general managers, and quite a contrast in style to the other introductions. Buy this book at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. InspirationalThe Future of Knowledge: Increasing Prosperity through Value Networks Verna Allee, Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.232 (2002). This book challenges us to think about a future of an economy dominated by intangibles, of living networks and complexity. The author skillfully charts differences between new and old and melds the latest organisational concepts with practical ideas based on her own experience. Allee's style is distinctive and she gets over complex ideas, such as autopoietic networks, chaords and holonic structures, in an easy to follow way. A book to savour. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Innovation Strategy for the Knowledge Economy: The Ken Awakening, Debra M. Amidon, Butterworth-Heinemann (1997). "This book constitutes a milestone in the comprehensive work of renewal and development", Leif Edvinsson (Vice President of Intellectual Capital, Skandia). The core of the book are the ten dimensions of knowledge innovation, with check-lists for diagnosis. Many excellent concepts. Inspirational. See the ENTOVATION web site for contents, other reviews and ordering links. The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organisations, Stephen Denning, Butterworth-Heinemann (2000). A "sensational new book" is how reviewer Jan Wyllie describes it in I3 UPDATE No. 44. Written by the program director of knowledge management at the World Bank, this describes how the ancient art of storytelling is used in modern settings to help organizations effect change. Other reviewer's describe this book as "a treasure", "the qualities of a classic", "insightful", "particularly valuable". Initial sceptical, I was captivated. It brings knowledge management to life. A compelling read. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Corporate Longitude: What You Need to Know to Navigate the Knowledge Economy
Leif Edvinsson, FT Prentice Hall (2002). Deep Smarts: How to Cultivate and Transfer Enduring Business Wisdom, Dorothy Leonard and Walter Swap, Harvard Business School Press (2004). An admirable follow on to Wellsprings and based on more recent research, this book explores 'deep smarts' - in-depth expertise and wisdom acquired by individuals throughout their career. It shows how such expertise is a firm's engine of innovation and drawing on many examples shows how such expertise can be developed and leveraged across the organization. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Management: Concepts and Best Practices (2nd Edition), Kai Mertins, Peter Heisig and Jens Vorbeck (editors), Springer Verlag (2003). This book summarises the KM research studies of the Fraunhofer Institute. The first two parts gives the results of a major benchmarking study and a Delphi study conducted during 2000-2001 as well as frameworks and models derived from them. The latter sections provide updated information on various EU research projects in KM, and include over 100 pages of case studies. The separation of case studies and models, as well as contributions by many authors, leads to a rather fragmented book. However, few other books have such a strong European emphasis, and though its slant is rather academic, practitioners will find it readable with some useful models and insights. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. The Knowledge Activist's Handbook: Adventures from the Knowledge Trenches, Victor Newman, Capstone (2002). A book with a difference. Challenging the "conspiracy of tedium around KM literature", this book is described as "provocative and counter cultural". Its thrust is to turn ideas on their head and make thinking about knowledge a personal activity. It describes the use of storytelling to combine emotion and reflection to create knowledge. Each section has a story and five action points. The five sections are: 1) Developing personal knowledge; 2) Developing knowledge leadership; 3) Working with knowledge; 4) Organisation vs. knowledge management; and 5) Creative approaches and tools. Written by Pfizer's CKO, there are many practical insights conveyed in an interesting way. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. 5th Generation Management, Charles Savage, Butterworth-Heinemann (1996). GeneralThe Knowledge Evolution: Expanding Organizational Intelligence, Verna Allee, Butterworth-Heinemann (1997).A good all-round introduction to the main concepts, with a bias on the human aspects. Divided into understanding knowledge, the building blocks and into practice. See also her later book. You can buy this book at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. The Knowledge Engine, Lloyd Baird and John C. Henderson, Berrett Koehler (2001). "Just because you build a knowledge base doesn't mean they will come". So starts the chapter on focus, the first of a five step knowledge cycle - the others are acquire, structure, target and reflect. Each chapter has a set of principles and a check list of one or more tools. Highly readable, this book packs a lot of practical tips into its small number of pages. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Capital: How Knowledge Based Enterprises Really Get Built,
Jay Chatzkel (editor), Oxford University Press (2003). Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know, Thomas H. Davenport and Laurence Prusak, Harvard Business School Press (2000). For several years this has remained one of the most popular books on KM. Reasons for this include the pedigree of the authors in both research and practice and the way in which KM's core topics are explained with real examples. As well as coverage of mainstream topics like knowledge generation, codification, transfer, roles and skills, and technology, this book was the first to devote a chapter to knowledge markets. While it lacks the practical depth found in other books, it is an easy going and informative read. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. New Frontiers of Knowledge, ed. Kevin C. Desouza, PalgraveMacmillan (2005). With some strong theory (including complex mathematical formulae in places), this is not an everyday read. However, apart from a chapter on collaboration by yours truly, there is interesting coverage of personalized knowledge delivery services, designing organziations around knowledge flows and the use of incentives to boost knowledge sharing. Commensurate with the high theory this book also comes at a high price. Buy this book at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Horizons: The Present and the Promise of Knowledge Management, eds. Charles Despres and Daniele Chauval, Butterworth-Heineman (2000). This book is an excellent compilation of insights into knowledge management trends written by well known researchers and thinkers in the field. Topics range from econimc shifts to new metrics; from CKOs to communities of practice; and from knowledge in strategic alliances to the social ecology of knowledge management. A stimulating book for those who want to think more deeply about this subject. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Harvesting Experience: Reaping the Benefits of Knowledge, Jan Duffy, ARMA International (1999). An excellent contribution to this emerging field of knowledge
strategy. In a consistent. comprehensive and coherent format, this book highlights the key trends, core concepts, available methodologies and suggested plans for action. Specific topics covered include assessing readiness, getting commitment, identifying knowledge assets and selecting technology. Despites being not fully up to date with latest developments, this remains a very practical guide packed with helpful hints.
See I3 UPDATE No. 31 for Debra
Amidon's review. The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital, ed. David A. Klein (1998). Articles from a broad range of perspectives including communities, processes and economics. Has several heavily cited articles including .Information Politics' by Davenport et.al., 'Managing Professional Intellect' by James Quinn et. al. You can buy it at Amazon.comor Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Unplugged: The McKinsey Global Survey on Knowledge Management, Jürgen Kluge, Wolfram Stein and Thomas Licht, Palgrave (2002). As its name implies this book provides the results of a survey, this one into the usage of 139 KM techniques within 40 companies. However, it is more than just survey results, with each chapter interpreting and commenting on the practices used as well as providing an in depth case study. The techniques are grouped into themes such as knowledge pull, transferability, embeddedness and perishability. Ignore the data and give this to your senior managers to read. Buy this book at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Management Lessons Learned: What Works and What Doesn't, Michael ED Koenig and T Kanti Srikantaiah, Information Today (2004). This compilation from over 30 writers covers both real cases from practitioners and discussion of core KM themes including strategy, content management and communities of practice. Most of the writers describe what worked for them and some summarize some key lessons. Less coverage is given to "what doesn't work", though a contribution by Yogesh Malhotra (creator of KM resource website BRINT) is a notable exception. Overall this is a useful read, although coverage on some topics is patchy. Its main drawback is that it is very US centric, and therefore omits what would be worthwhile contributions from practitioners elsewhere in the world. Buy this book at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge in Organizations, ed. Larry Prusak (1997), contains Polyani's original article on tacit knowledge; others are on organizational memory and informal networks. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. The Wealth of Knowledge: Intellectual Capital and the Twenty First Century, Thomas A. Stewart, Nicholas Brealey (2001). "A key contains information as well as molecules." "How do you teach a knack?" "Apologists for accounting are like people who pooh pooh global warming". These are typical examples of Stewart's colloquial style that guides the reader through a four step prescription for managing knowledge assets. Alongside "the case against knowledge management" he makes cases for a new offering - knowledge products; a new agenda - managing knowledge projects; a new design - supporting knowledge processes; and a new culture - developing a knowledge perspective. Building on the work in his earlier book he criticizes "generally unacceptable accounting principles" and provides a useful overview of intellectual capital accounting. Packed with anecdotes and real examples, this book both challenges your thinking, and your complacency. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Leveraging Corporate Knowledge, Edward Truch, Gower (2004). This book summarises the results of a range of projects undertaken by researchers and corporate members of the Henley KM Forum. The contributed chapters - from both academics and practitioners - cover strategy and organisation, management of change, culture and personality, and technology. While not a comprehensive overview of knowledge management, the choice of subjects reflects topics that corporate members collectively felt important at the time. It therefore provides insights and practical frameworks that have emerged from hard won experience. Although it's rather more expensive than most books, you're likely to recoup your investment by putting any one of the many ideas into practice. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Management, Karl Wiig, Schema Press (1993-5). A series of three in-depth paperback volumes: 1) Foundations pp. 475; 2) The central management focus pp. 298 3) Methods pp.490. This is probably the most comprehensive set of concepts on knowledge management yet published, and comes from the practical experience of a world-class consultant in the area. Many excellent diagrams, tables and check-lists. Available from Schema Press. People Focused Knowledge Management, Karl Wiig, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann (2004). The premise of this book is that organizational performance depends on knowledgeable people taking effective actions. In exploring this theme the author examines how individuals sense situations, develop mental models and act on them. Explained in some depth are models of sense-making, situation handling and problem solving. Linking the results of cognitive research with practical examples this book takes our understanding of the human aspects of knowledge management a valuable step forward. New insights are explained in a straightforward and highly readable way. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Case StudiesBuilding a Knowledge Driven Organization,
Robert H. Buckman, McGraw Hill (2004). Knowledge Works: Managing Intellectual Capital at Toshiba,W. Mark Fruin, Oxford University Press (1997). Gives insights into how knowledge is developed and shared within a flexible factory production process. The author spent significant time from 1986 to 1992 working at Toshiba's Yanagicho works near Kawasaki City. This provides the insights from which he develops theories and explanations. Not in the same league as Nonaka and Takeuchi, but could provide some useful insights to those thinking about KM in a manufacturing environment. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Management Case Book: Siemens Best Practices, eds. Thomas H. Davenport, Gilbert J.B.Probst. Siemens has long been held as a good exemplar of corporate knowledge management. Many of us have heard and read parts of the Siemens story at conferences, in article etc. Now, brought together in one place is the story as told by Siemens own employees in an 18 chapter book. There are sections on knowledge strategy, knowledge transfer, communities of practice, added value, learning and visualizing value creation. Lots of practical guidance, diagrams and screen-shots. A highly recommended book from practitioners who want to learn from one of the pioneers. Publicis Corporate Publishing and John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 3-89578-181-9. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Leading With Knowledge: Knowledge Management Practices in Global Infotech,
Madanmohan Rao, Tata McGraw Hill (2003). Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques: Practitioners and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions, Madanmohan Rao, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.454 (2004). Techniques & SpecialistIntellectual Capital: Core Assets for the Third Millennium Enterprise, Annie Brooking, Thomson Publishing (1996). Something of a 'how to' cook-book, but based around the author's Annie's own model that separates out intellectual property. Its frank and refreshing observations makes the reader realize that managing intangibles is not simply an accounting exercise, but also has an important human dimension. Overall useful, albeit a trifle simplistic. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Making Sense of Intellectual Capital: Designing a Method for the Valuation of Intangibles, Daniel Andriessen, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann (2004). The book is essentially about the author's involvement in a project to develop a 'weightless wealth toolkit' for the valuation and measurement of intangible assets. Along the way he discusses the science of designing practical methods and gives case studies of how his IC measurement method was applied in practice in some Dutch companies. Of particular interest is a 90 page appendix which gives the pertinent characteristics and evaluation of 25 other methods. If you were to buy only one book on the topic of measurement, this would be it. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Storytelling in Organizations: Why Storytelling Is Transforming 21st Century Organizations and Management, John Seely Brown, Stephen Denning, Katalina Groh and Laurence Prusak, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann (2004). Storytelling is rapidly becoming recognised as a technique to disseminate knowledge in organizations. This book brings together different perspectives on the subject from four business people with varying backgrounds - a lawyer, the director, scientist and historian. It's a fascinating story itself, describing how they each came to see the power of storytelling and apply it in practice. For more in depth practical guidance on the subject, the more focused books by Denning alone will serve you better. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work, Donald J Cohen and Laurence Prusak, Harvard Business School Press (2000). The social capital of an organisation - its network of relationships - is crucial for effective knowledge transfer. This is one of the first (and few) books to bring together the social, organization and business aspects of a range of related themes including knowledge networks, conversations, storytelling, communities of practice and trust. Helpful frameworks and case studies add a practical slant to the otherwise merely interesting concepts. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Know Your Value - Value What You Know, Mick Cope, FT Prentice Hall (2000). A personal self development guide, written from a knowledge and intellectual capital perspective. It encourages readers to think about their personal capital along three dimensions - your stock of knowledge, how you acquire or disseminate it as a form of currency and how you process knowledge flows. Together, these dimensions define your K profile. The last part of the book gives examples of typical K profiles and how the profiles can be applied. Reflective rather than prescriptive, this book sometimes seems daunting. But there's some useful personal insights if you persevere and pick your way around. The first and best of a trilogy. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Lost Knowledge: Confronting the Threat of an Aging Workforce, David W. DeLong, Oxford University Press (2004). This book addresses a growing problem in many organizations - capturing and retaining the expertise of employees who leave. After describing general approaches, there are detailed case studies covering different knowledge transfer techniques. Practitioners may find the first part of the book a bit thin and repetitious, but the final section on implementing retention strategies has some good practical insights. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organisations, Stephen Denning, Butterworth-Heinemann (2000). A "sensational new book" is how reviewer Jan Wyllie describes it in I3 UPDATE No. 44. Written by the program director of knowledge management at the World Bank, this describes how the anceint art of storytelling is used in modern settings to help organizations effect change. Other reviewer's describe this book as "a treasure", "the qualities of a classic", "insightful", "particularly valuable". Initial sceptical, I was captivated. It brings knwoledge management to life. A compelling read. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Squirrel Inc.: A Fable Of Leadership Through Storytelling, Stephen Denning, Pfeiffer Wiley (2004). This is Denning's second book on storytelling (The Springboard was the first). It takes the reader through a set of seven story archetypes and gives practical guidance on different types of stories and when and how they are effective. Each chapter is written in a narrative style, e.g. "How do I do that?" she says; "Simple" I say. But beneath this easy to read and enjoyable style there's a lot of practical wisdom. Why the squirrel? A squirrel fails to find half the nuts it buries; likewise organizations have to turn themselves into becoming more effective at knowledge storing and retrieval. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Building the Knowledge Management Network: Best Practices, Tools, and Techniques for Putting Conversation to Work, Cliff Figallo, Nancy Rhine, John Wiley and Sons (2002). This books gets to the heart of sharing tacit knowledge. It offers a set of tools and techniques for enhancing the effectiveness of conversation and online discussions and also for capturing the resultant knowledge. Although a little prescriptive there are useful checklists and templates and an accompanying website. For deeper insights, though, you will be better with one of the books on communities of practice. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Learning in Action: A Guide to Putting the Learning Organization to Work, David Garvin, Harvard Business School Press (2003). As someone who introduced the business world to After Action Reviews, Garvin is well qualified to provide a helpful perspective on a topic closely related to KM. This book examines the different stages of the learning process - acquiring, interpreting and applying knowledge - and three modes of learning process: intelligence gathering, experience and experimentation. Drawing on a wide range of case studies, the concepts are brought to life and provide useful insights for knowledge managers. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Realizing the Promise of Corporate Portals: Leveraging Knowledge for Corporate Success, Cindy Gordon and José Cláudio Terra, Butterworth Heinemann (2002). This book provides a useful overview of corporate portals - the organizational context, how they can be exploited to improve organizational performance, their components and how they are implemented in practice. The case studies in this book are described in a consistent structure which makes it easy to make comparisons. Although aimed more at decision makers rather than implementers, checklists, the case studies and 12 key lessons derived from them offer practical advice for selecting and implementing a portal. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Intellectual Capital, Leif Edvinsson and Michael Malone, HarperBusiness (1997). Gives the background to Skandia's Navigator and use. Contains details of specific intellectual capital measures, including a chart of over 150 indicators. A bit repetitious and not as good as Sveiby for real insights. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. The Human Value of the Enterprise, Andrew Mayo, Nicholas Brealey (2001). Written by a former human resources director, this book is nothing but practical. Working from the premise that "people drive value", Mayo skilfully combines two difficult aspects of knowledge management - people and measurement. After reviewing previous work in both domains he describes his human capital monitor, a highly practical tool that should be part of every knowledge manager's toolkit. It covers measures of people as assets, their motivation and commitment, which together deliver the human contribution to value. With many checklists and wise counsel, this book combines thoughtfulness and practicality to help you develop effective measures for your organization's most valuable resource - people. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Knowledge Management and Organizational Design, ed. Paul S. Myers (1996). Contributors include Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Charles Handy and Joseph Badaracco. We rate this as the best of the series. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Intellectual Capital: Navigating in the New Business Landscape, Johan Roos, Göran Roos, Leif Edvinsson and Nicola Dragonetti, Macmillan (1997). This book gives good insights and ideas on practical ways of developing measures for intellectual capital. It describes the proprietary IC IndexTM, though naturally does not give too many secrets away. You can buy it at Amazon.comorAmazon.co.uk. Knowledge Management Tools, ed. Rudy L Ruggles III (1997). A collection of articles including some opposing views on whether computers can think! Categorized into knowledge generation, codification, transfer and implementation. Our favourite is Daniel Crevier's 'How Many Bulldozers for an Ant Colony'. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Leveraging Communities of Practice for Strategic Advantage, Hubert Saint Onge and Debra Wallace, Butterworth Heinemann (2003). Based on their personal experience at Clarica, the authors offer a blueprint and framework for developing communities. As well as step by step guidance the authors draw lessons about what worked well for them and what didn't. A quick start toolkit offers helpful charts and checklists, and the added insights from the Clarica story makes this the indispensible guide on communities. Whereas Wenger et. al's book whets the appetite, this provides the sustenance. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Strategy Maps: Converting Intangible Assets into Tangible Outcomes, Robert S. Kaplan , David P. Norton, Harvard Business School Press (2004). Best known for their work on the Balanced Business Scorecard (BBS), the authors now complement it with a tool that adds a knowledge and intangible dimension. A strategy map helps you identify the links between intangible assets and value creation. Intangibles neatly slot in between the internal processes and learning/growth perspectives of the scorecard. If you're a BBS user this book will expand your horizons. If you are not, then you may prefer the books of Sveiby or Andriessen. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Strategic Learning and Knowledge Management, ed. Ron Sanchez and Aimé Heene,John Wiley & Sons (1997). A selection of academic articles that draws some of the links between the two themes. See also our separate list on the learning organization. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Intellectual Capital: The New Wealth of Organizations, Thomas A Stewart, Doubleday (1997). A good perspective for managers by Fortune's key contributor on the topic.Separate chapters on human, structural and customer capital. Many good small illustrative examples. You can buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. The New Organizational Wealth: Managing and Measuring IntangibleAssets, Karl Erik Sveiby, Berrett Koehler (1997). This book pioneered the thinking about measuring intellectual capital. Even today, it remains one of the best guides on how to assess the intangible assets of an organization, using the author's Intangible Assets Monitor as its basis. There are, of course, many newer methods (see Andriessen's book). But read this book first to get the background and insights from the guru of the field. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Cultivating Communities of Practice, Etienne Wenger, Richard McDermott and William M. Snyder, Harvard Business School Press (2002). A pragmatic insight into the subject. The authors argue that a more pro-active approach is needed to maximize benefits. Different chapters cover the value, structural elements, seven principles, and phases of development. Particularly helpful is a chapter on the challenges of distributed communities. Only a few cases but lots of notes and references makes this more of a community overseers guidebook rather than a general KM text. Highly readable nevertheless. Buy it at Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk. Your Feedback InvitedWe are always looking out for resources which give breakthrough ideas and/or practical management guidance and examples. If you know of such sites or resources which would enhance this list please contact David Skyrme Associates. Email: david@skyrme.com with details. Because of the rapid growth in this field, we will not be able to include them all, but we will do our best to review them and include the very best in future updates of our resource pages. © Copyright 2008. David J. Skyrme. All rights reserved. David Skyrme Associates provides consultancy services and workshops on information and knowledge management that address the topics covered in this article. Books: Gold Stars - Introductory - Inspirational - General - Cases - Techniques
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